starting over again…

Starting my blog all over again ..why ? Good question and why is something i ask myself nearly every day ..well the reason i am starting again is because i felt a bit uncomfortable with the last blog as an email address i had linked to it was hacked (by my narcopath ex most probably) so im being extra careful and completely started all over again , just incase my blog gets into the wrong hands because he really doesnt want to know how i feel after all my feelings have never mattered .Well this blog is an outlet for me , therapy even  to say exactly how i feel because somewhere along the line I lost my voice and for the last few years especially I have kept quiet and never been allowed to express exactly how i feel .Well you know what .. f**k you i am now even if nobody reads it .

I am not doing anything wrong apart from expressing my thoughts and opinions on a page its kind of like a journal for me and also a bit of a diary so i can hopefully look back and see how far i have come or if not at least i can laugh at myself along the way because laughing is all i can do its either that or have a breakdown and cry and beleive me iv done enough of that to last a lifetime .The problem i have right now is that i feel like im in the wrong for even having a blog an anonymous blog .I even feel a bit anonymous in real life aswell , infact i am starting to question exactly who i really am and im hoping i will find out who i am because at the moment ill admit i am a little bit lost …

5 thoughts on “starting over again…

  1. Thank you for following my blog! I am happy to hear your comments or opinions! And if you want a topic featured you can just ask!


  2. I had to do something similar with my blog because of a linked email address and other identifying information. I don’t mind being anonymous for a while although the time may well come when I ‘come out’ in the open. It depends on how we stand with regard to the laws of libel. I hope to write books in the future and can’t afford to have any legal wrangles…and let’s face it, our abusive exes are the very ones who’d sue us for libel or slander, despite the fact that we’re saying is the absolute truth.

    Perhaps a reason you’re feeling as though you’re in the ‘wrong’ because of your blog is that you’ve been so well-trained to consider yourself always in the wrong by a narc who has foisted wrongful blame onto you for years while skilfully sidestepping any responsibility himself. They’re experts at it…and I, too…still fight the feeling that everything I do is wrong or stupid, despite being separated for a year. It takes time to remember who we are and to build that self back up. Writing helps enormously and so does the blog community. Keep up the good work.

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    • Thankyou for your support ..your right i think he has made me feel like everything i am doing is wrong .I always feel like i have to justify or explain anything i do all the time not to him anymore as i am sticking to the no contact but i still do it with other people when i have no reason to , it is something i hope will go in time aswell as my anxiety and feeling like something is about to happen when it isnt ..blogging is helping me a lot and without the blogging world i dont know if i could of done this x

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